Charlton Athletic footballers arrive at Ibiza court in handcuffs over alleged sex attack on teenage tourist

Charlton Athletic footballers arrive at Ibiza court in handcuffs over alleged sex attack on teenage tourist

 By Okorie Chioma -June 14 2018
The alleged sex attack, described locally as a rape, is believed to have taken place at a hotel Cala de Bou near San Antonio after the 19-year-old tourist and a female friend met the footballers at a bar on Monday and agreed to go back to their hotel with them.
Detectives have been told one of the men forced himself on the holidaymaker while the other held her down and a third filmed what was happening on a mobile phone.
The men, who were on holiday in Ibiza alongside fellow professionals and friends, were due to be quizzed by an investigating magistrate.

The hearing, which could conclude with the magistrate deciding to dismiss the case against them but is more likely to end with remands in custody or a bail release pending an ongoing criminal investigation, will be held in private as is normal in the early stages of a Spanish judicial probe.
The third man is aged 26 and also a British national, Spanish police confirmed on Thursday as the two footballers appeared in court.
A Spanish National Police spokesman said: “National Police officers arrested two English men on Tuesday in San Jose in Ibiza as the suspected authors of a sex attack.
“The parents of the 19-year-old victim, who is also British, reported the incident to police.
“It would appear the victim and a female friend of hers who were on holiday in Ibiza with the victim’s parents, went to San Antonio on Monday afternoon and met several lads from a second division football team in the UK in a bar there.
“Both women agreed to go back with the some of the men to the hotel they were staying at, in the municipality of San Jose.
“Once they were in a room, one of the youngsters was allegedly sexually attacked by one of the players, while a second took hold of her and a third recorded her on a mobile phone.
“After the incident, the visibly affected victim and her friend left the hotel to go back to the woman’s parents
“The victim’s parents quickly suspected something was wrong and after discovering what had happened, went to speak to the National Police.
“National Police officers went to the hotel where those allegedly responsible for the sex attack were staying, and subsequently arrested two men.
“The police investigations are ongoing and further arrests in the coming hours have not been ruled out.”
A Charlton Athletic spokesperson said: "The club have been made aware and are looking into this matter. Due to the ongoing investigation we will not be commenting any further at this stage."
Cala de Bou, which is in the municipality of San Jose, is a popular location for tourists looking to stay somewhere quieter than San Antonio but within easy reach of the brash party resort
It is just seven miles from the airport and home to a number of hotels and short-stay holiday apartments.
Greenwich-born Ahearne-Grant is a forward who signed with Charlton as a 17-year-old in September 2014.
He has made more than 60 appearances with the club in Championship and League One football. He has also spent time on loan in League Two with Cambridge United and Crawley Town, where he scored nine goals in 15 appearances during the second half of last season.
He has played for England at the U17, U18 and U19 levels.

Hackett-Fairchild, a striker from Redbridge, east London, made his professional debut with Charlton in August last year, and hit the net twice in 12 appearances.
Both goals came in a second round Checkatrade Trophy match against the Swansea City U21s in December, just his second senior start.
After that match, Hackett-Fairchild was shortlisted for the Checkatrade Trophy Player of the Round award.
He has previously spent time with London clubs Dagenham & Redbridge and Dulwich Hamlet.
