Homosexuality is hindering Nigeria's progress - Primate Nicholas Okoh

Homosexuality  is hindering  Nigeria's  progress - Primate Nicholas  Okoh

By okorie Chioma - Sep 4 2018

Nicholas Oooh the primate of church  of Nigeria  (Anglican communion) says homosexuality  is hindering the nation's progress.

According to him, homosexuality  is an "unlawful  act fed  by  disintegration of social values and cultures " that should be discouraged  in the interest of our generation ".

Our youths are now being deceived  by the international media with values  that are variance with our culture  and the teaching of our religion.

As people move from our village to city  they are detached from their ancestral  authority, parents, chief, and Others. Anit- social  behaviour  that are used  to be tackled  are no longer tackled all because  of modernisation ; essentially, people  are  destroying themselves " he added
