Ik Ogbonna reportedly a gay, as his wife speak

Ik Ogbonna reportedly a gay, as his wife speak

 By okorie chioma- 23 October, 2018
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As we all know the marriage  between  In Ogbonna and Sonia is going  down drain.
Yesterday  she flaunted  her finger without  her wedding  rings,  few hours  before  Ike posted on his page insinuated  that their marriage  was in  hell.
Later in the evening  yesterday  she went ahead  advising  thier fans to mind thier  business,  as they come for her,  someone  with private  jet account just let some dirty screte leaks.
This person  says Ike Ogbonna is a gay,  and you know that in some matters  like,  comments that comes from such account  is mostly  close fans.
